HomeFootballFootball Positions Ranking: The Most Important Positions in Football

Football Positions Ranking: The Most Important Positions in Football

There’s no denying that football is a team sport, but not every position on the field has the same weight. Even if they never make contact with the ball, football players may nevertheless have a huge effect on the outcome of a game.

What are the most important positions in football? The following is a list of general rankings determined by considering the influence that different positions have on the match.

What are the duties associated with playing these different football positions? Let us discuss this.

The Most Important Positions in Football

1. The quarterback position on offense is considered to be the most important position in football.

In the National Football League (NFL), the position of quarterback is often regarded as the greatest in the game. As a result, quarterbacks typically command the highest salaries.

The touch of the ball during the offensive phase is the responsibility of the quarterback, who also provides support in the passing game. There is no other position in football that may have such a significant bearing on the winner or loser of professional matches.

A professional quarterback has to have the optimal proportions of height, arm strength, and accuracy in their game. In addition to this, he has to be able to quickly and effectively disrupt intricate offensive and defensive systems. Quarterbacks are required to be able to play the ball with their feet at times if it becomes necessary.

2. Left Tackle (Offense)

The first position on the offensive line is left tackle. There is five offensive linemen in total. Additionally, they are responsible for the most important job on the offensive line. These players are assigned the responsibility of shielding the quarterback’s blind spots while they are in situations where they are often looking a long distance away.

If the left tackle position is unable to perform its duties effectively, the quarterback is at risk of being hurt or struck. They are obligated to go in the way of opposing defensive players who are attempting to gain ground in order to make a tackle on an offensive player.

3. Center (Offense)

This list of the most important NFL positions continues with an offensive lineman as one of the roles. The responsibility of hiking the football for the quarterback falls on the center. Putting the ball on the ground and then bringing it from in between the legs of the center to the hands of the QB is referred to as “kicking the ball,” and this is a word that relates to the act of playing the ball.

A strong center has to have the ability to capitalize on an onslaught of pass-rushing defensive tackles that are directed at them.

Additionally, it is the center’s responsibility to read the defensive strategies and make calls on the blocking strategy. Vision and playing IQ are two qualities essential to possess in order to be a dependable center. They will bear the bulk of the blame if the blocking doesn’t work.

4. Middle Linebacker (Defense)

The “Mike” linebackers serve as the team’s captains and are in charge of the defensive line. The majority of the time, they are the ones who take charge of defensive units and communicate the defensive play to their teammates. Middle linebackers’ main duties are to control backfield running plays and defend the middle of the field from quarterback throws and attacks.

This player finishes the NFL season with a higher average number of tackles than any other position in the league.

5. Safety (Defense)

Safety is the very last line of defense and is defined as the player who is the farthest away from the ball at any given moment. As the game progresses, their worth will rise to a higher level. We are looking for a person who has the level of fitness required for receivers in range.

There is an equal amount of importance placed on free safety in the center of the field. Every group has to prioritize risk-free quality. They are able to intercept passes and move laterally to get themselves into position to take up the ball. In the secondary, safeties are superb athletes who can play a variety of positions and are easily interchangeable.

6. Defensive End (Defense)

Defensive End (Defense)
Defensive End (Defense)

Most clubs recognise the importance of having a strong pass rusher on their roster. They are the ones who are in charge of applying pressure to the quarterbacks of the other team. In the event that this strategy is unsuccessful, skilled offensive players will have the opportunity to complete a few passes.

7. Wide Receiver (Offense)

Why are wide receivers not ranked higher than they already are on the list of the most essential positions in football? In fact, the greater the number of wide receivers on the field, the more difficult it will be for notable players to emerge.

It is essential to have a wide receiver who has an extraordinary body, excels at winning jump balls, and consistently brings the ball into the end zone. They are no longer required, however, if you take into account the fact that the quarterback is leaving the row in order to pass the ball to one of the five receivers who are nearby.

8. Tight End (Offense)

The tight end is the second-to-last position needed for a football team. These guys are going to be shorter than an offensive lineman, but they are still going to be taller than the other regular players.

In today’s National Football League, the two primary responsibilities of tight ends are blocking and catching passes from quarterbacks. The term comes from the fact that the main assault often involves a relative of five men.

These players will go into the open space as the action progresses in order to receive the ball and block the defenders who are headed their way.

9. Cornerback (Defense)

The cornerback position on the defensive line of a football team is perhaps the most frustrating of all the positions in the game. It is generally agreed upon that this role played the most significant role in determining football’s performance throughout the course of the last ten years. You will become aware of this if you give it deeper thought.

The National Football League (NFL) is currently dominated by passing plays. When you have a world-class cornerback on your team, you can cut the field in half and open up more options for counterattacks.

A poor cornerback player will be the team’s weakest point and have the most potential to allow the opponent to score.

10. Running Back (Offense)

It is conceivable that running backs will play a more prominent role in the game than they did in earlier decades. As a result of the current play style in the NFL, in which they pitch first and employ backcourt committees, the function associated with this position is no longer expected.

Running backs, on the other hand, may still play a significant role in offensive sets if their team is formidable and employs deft strategies. Running backs who are up to the task of relieving pressure on the quarterback and picking up passes from the backfield are essential.

11. Outside Linebacker (Defense)

After the defensive line, you will find yourself. Stopping tight ends and either putting an end to or defending the rushing game are two of the key responsibilities of linebackers.

Strong-side linebackers have an important role to perform, but they cannot be compared to weak-side linebackers in terms of their responsibilities. The majority of the time, these guys are out on the field on passing downs.

The majority of the time, these guys are out on the field on passing downs. 

12. Right Tackle (Defense)

Running games that are high-quality and stand out need the right tackle to work well. They are nevertheless still behind the left tackle since they are not in the quarterback’s blind spot. This keeps them behind the left tackle. It makes him much more likely to commit fouls. Furthermore, this position will not be able to produce matchups that are better than those of the left tackle.

13. Left Guard (Offense)

Left Guard (Offense)
Left Guard (Offense)

Every player in the offensive line contributes in their own unique way to the process of creating assaults. However, many coaches would position their weakest front-line backstop on the left chest, which is the most exposed position.

During their runs, these players need to have the power to force opponents away from the ball.

Coaches frequently use double or chip coordination in the middle of the court to hide their players’ weaknesses at the point of attack before moving them up a level.

14. Right Guard (Offense)

When a team uses the “slip” guard, they are required to position a strong pass stopper in the right guard position. The center defender is often moved to the left side of the field in this formation. This is done to assist the left back and to provide the right back with an opportunity to go one-on-one with the opposing defense.

This position must have the ability to move defensive tackles and cut past second-level linebackers in order to be successful in the running game.

15. Kicker (Special Teams Offense)

When the kicker makes a field goal in the clutch, the outcome of the match may be determined. On the other hand, it is not very prevalent. Since the kicker does not play an important role, their value is lower than that of other players.

16. Punter (Special Teams Kicking Team)

Punters strive to improve the defensive position of their team on fourth down. A player who is not up to par will make things difficult for the squad. However, despite their presence, they do not play an important role in the game.

17. Returner (Special Teams Return Team)

The NFL Top 100 All-Time Team Roaster
Returner (Special Teams Return Team)

Wide receivers are often expected to take on the role of returners. Some teams assign only one player the responsibility of responding to kicks. They do not appear in the matches, which contributes to their poor ranking on the list.

18. Long Snapper (Offensive Special Teams)

The long snapper’s main job is to get the ball to the punter and holder in good shape. This practice is not as vital as you would think, and it may even be to your harm at times. An incorrect snap might give an opponent the opportunity to score free points.


The quarterback position is the greatest in football. There is a possibility that other rankings may shift over time based on the strategies and patterns that emerge in the organization of teams throughout the different seasons.

Understanding the importance of each position in football can aid teams and coaches in making informed personnel selections. If we make the right decision, it will help the team, and if we don’t, it will hurt us.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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