Over the years we have been spoiled with fantastic video games for each and every platform, games such as red dead redemption two had us anticipating its release for years and in the end, the wait was definitely worth it. However, at times there are certain games that don’t live up to the hype and leave fans very disappointed. Sometimes this is down to games being rushed, the trailers being too good, or simply promising too much. Whatever the case may be, a lot of gamers end up really gutted that they pre-ordered a game only for it to be nothing like they expected. Today we are listing some of the most disappointing video games of all time.
Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk was one of the most anticipated games we have seen for years, the sheer excitement of the community was unmatched. People who are against pre-ordering games even found themselves pre-ordering this one. The game was announced in 2012 and released in December 2020. Fans were waiting a really long time, and understandably got their hopes up for this game. As the release date came closer and closer, the developers pushed the release date back a number of times. It soon became apparent that CD Projekt red had not finished the game and they were in a rush to do so. When the game was released, fans were unpleasantly surprised at the number of game-breaking bugs and lack of detail that cyberpunk had. Almost all that was promised was not included. This game was released for ps4 and Xbox one as well as new generation consoles, for fans that had not yet upgraded and had bought the game for their old-gen console, the game was more or less unplayable. Fans were outraged by the news of Cyberpunk and it quickly became widely reported. The game has been out for over a year now and the developers are still desperately trying to fix it.
Battlefield 2042
Everyone loves Battlefield, the series has been running for a long time and has been a long-time competitor of Call of Duty. The franchise has many fantastic games such as battlefield one, and battlefield 3. When this game came out it had an insane number of glitches. It’s worth noting that these weren’t just any old glitches, these glitches stopped players from progressing and leveling up in the game which totally unmotivated players and forced some of them to quit completely. The game has a very low player base, many loyal battlefield fans decide not to play the game and have gone back to enjoy some of their favorite older battlefield games instead. It’s without a doubt the worst battlefield game ever made, from visual glitches to server issues that stopped you from even playing the game, it’s no wonder that no one has any time for this game. Considering how brilliant every other release for this franchise was, this game is definitely one of the most disappointing video games of all time.
No Man’s Sky
You couldn’t make a list of the most disappointing video games of all time without mentioning no man’s sky. This failure was purely down to audience expectations and developer promises. Hello, games promised a world with infinite possibilities and exploration, when in reality it wasn’t even close to that. The media coverage for this game was absolutely huge, everyone was talking about it. Soon to be though, when the game was released, everyone was talking about it for all of the wrong reasons. The lack of immersion, progression, and overall attention to detail and quality was very apparent. Although, what makes this game interesting is the fact that the developers made a massive comeback since no man’s sky was released in 2016. Hello, Games has been working to achieve as they promised for years through constant updates and improvements, and they have done very well doing so. Today, many fans are satisfied with the game now. It’s worth mentioning that this doesn’t take away from the fact that they released an unfinished game, but you have to at least appreciate the effort they made to fix their mistakes.
We hope that you enjoyed our short list of the most disappointing video games of all time. On the Brightside, these flops have most definitely served as a big lesson to game developers. Learning from mistakes is important, although we don’t doubt that these titles won’t be the last big disappointments we will see. A piece of advice we would give you is to avoid pre-ordering games. Sometimes additional benefits are offered to players who pre-order the game but it’s more often than not a big mistake. It’s always better to see the public opinion on the game before spending any money. It’s also worth mentioning how much playing on a large TV screen can improve your gaming experience, click here for TV wall mounting services.