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HomeHow You Can Be a Member of World Tavern Poker United States?

How You Can Be a Member of World Tavern Poker United States?

World Tavern Poker is the United States’ largest poker bar where you can play-for-free poker leagues. The rules and regulation of poker are similar to darts or pool league. Different bars, taverns, and restaurants across the United States offer themselves as a host venue to play poker. Weekly and twice-weekly tournaments are played in these places. All World Tavern Poker shows are Texas Holdem tournaments. Each of the tournaments is free-to-play and the limit of participants starts from two people to hundreds of participants. The participant left with chips; will win the game. Winners of the poker game are awarded cash and prizes worth $100,000 every year. They can also achieve a seat in the World Series of Poker annually.

Two Seasons in a year:

World Tavern Poker’s host venues offer weekly poker tournaments. All of them also offer two seasons of poker tournaments in a year. Season 1 starts from February till August and Season 2 starts from August till February. The state groups the host venues. Presently, over 200,000 registered host venues are a member of the United States.

When would be the TOC Championship held?

Each season of the poker tournament would consist of 26 weeks. At mid of each season; the 13th week will be TOC Championship week.

When would be the Tavern Championship & Tavern TOC held?

At the end of each second season; 2 weeks of championship events would be held known as Tavern Championship & Tavern TOC.

For the TOC championship and Tavern Championship & Tavern TOC, each host venue will have its seasonal Tavern Ranking. Every host venue can hold 2 games once-night in a week or as many as four nights. Week 25; Tavern Championship week the winner would earn the Tavern Champion title and also a seat to the World Tavern Poker National Championship Finals. Week 26; all host venues held the Tavern Tournament of Champions (TOC). This TOC tournament includes the first, second, third-place finishers of a specific venue from the two seasons. Players can join at any point in the season and can qualify for regional and national events.

World Tavern Poker Rules and Guidelines:

All World Tavern Poker (WTP) venues follow World Tavern Poker Rules and Guidelines. The WTP Rules and Guidelines are the basic references for the host venues to play and run the tournament. The Rules and Guide can change depending on the time the venue runs the game.

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How does a Poker Player qualify for the National Tournament of Champion?

As discussed earlier in the 13th week; each host venue held the mid-season TOC Championship. The top 3 finishers throughout the 12 weeks get extra chips; 2,000 each player. The winner at mid-season TOC Night receives an invitation for the National Tournament of Champions Semi-Final; along with a seat to the National TOC Finals.

How to Qualify for Tavern Championship?

One who played 15 games at the World Tavern Poker venue and among the top 20 finish in the regular season would qualify for the Tavern Championship during the 25th week. The winner of this event would get a seat at the WTP National Championship Finals. These championship finals take place twice a year at the WTP OPEN or the World League Poker Championships (WLPC).

How to Qualify for WTP National TOC Finals?

Tavern Tournament of Champions held during Week 26. Those players, who were first, second and third in each tournament of the previous regular season would be qualified for WTP National TOC Finals at the OPEN or WLPC.

How to Qualify for Regional Championship?

At the ending of a season; the qualified regions in the World Tavern Poker league organize a Regional Championship Tournament. The prizes of the Regional Tournament include plagues to travel packages to WTP Open and/or the WLPC; prizes can vary based on the number of bars participating from a specified area. A player can qualify for the Regional Championship if he/she finishes in the top 20 in a qualified tavern at the end of the season.

When National Championship, National TOC, the WTP OPEN, and the World League Poker Championship (WLPC) held? 

Every year two National WTP events are held. One National Championship event held at the end of season 1 at WLPC in Las Vegas. While the second National Championship event held in May or June at the WTP OPEN at an East coast casino.

National Championship event held at the end of season 1 at WLPC in Las Vegas

How Poker Players are ranked?

The tavern players can be ranked at four levels at the end of each season; these ranking make them eligible for tavern tournaments and beyond:

Tavern Ranking:

In a specified tavern; the average of a player’s top 15 scores determines Tavern ranking.

Regional Ranking:

In a specified region; the average of a player’s top 20 scores from any tavern.

State Ranking:

In a state; an average of a player’s top 25 scores from any tavern.

National Ranking:

In the nation; an average of a player’s top 30 scores from any WTP tavern.

World Tavern Poker Online:

World Tavern Poker has created an online form of fun for exciting games to win bigger prizes.   These games and tournaments include 8 online Tavern to play; Live national Ranking, Monthly Bankroll Championship, Quarterly Tavern Championship, Quarterly National Championship, 48 Tournaments Every Week, Ring Games all day and every day, Variety of games (Razz, Omaha, etc), Over $25,000 A year in Prizes.

World Tavern Poker PRO Member:

You can be a WTP PRO Member; to access all the tournaments and ring games throughout the month. To become a Pro Member pay $25/month. You can access all tourneys having 20,000 chips as a monthly bankroll.

World Tavern Poker for FREE:

You can be a WTP Free Member. As a free member, you can access to 3:00 p.m. Day Drinkers Tournament with limited bankroll chips. You can access up to 7 tourneys a week with 1,000 chips as a monthly bankroll.

Your PRO or FREE account requires a credit/debit card. When you create an online account must click the link in your confirmation email to verify your online account at World Tavern Poker.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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