HomeNewsKevin Durant escapes a catastrophic knee injury during a brutal collision, which...

Kevin Durant escapes a catastrophic knee injury during a brutal collision, which is a relief for the Brooklyn Nets

At a minimum, the forward won’t be available for two weeks. Yesterday, all of the alarm bells for the Brooklyn Nets went off when Kevin Durant’s knee gave way following a violent collision with Jimmy Butler. This was a major concern for the Nets.

After making a drive to the basket, the player for the Miami Heat was unable to regain his balance and ended up falling on the player for the Nets after he lost control.

Almost immediately, he placed his hand on his left knee, but he continued playing for two more possessions before going to the locker room.

On his return to Brooklyn, the medical staff for the organisation had a closer look at him before doing a full assessment of him.

The player and the Nets may breathe a sigh of relief now that testing has ruled out a serious injury.

He has strained one of his lateral ligaments in the process. In two weeks, Durant will have another examination, and there is reason to be hopeful that he won’t have to be on the treatment table for much longer than that.

Video credit ESPN

An injury having a previous record

As a result of a similar injury to his second knee during the previous season, the forward was out for a total of 21 games and missed a total of six weeks of competition; however, the Nets are optimistic that he will not be out for as long this time around.

Kobe’s counsel

When he had his first knee injury, Kobe Bryant had some words of wisdom for him. He shared those words with us.

The explanation given by the Nets player was, “He told me not to be a fucking cry baby.”

“Everything is going to work out well. You will return to your previous condition “the legendary player for the Los Angeles Lakers said.

“It was helpful to hear that when my mind was so confused that it didn’t know what it was doing. Particularly in terms of how it came to an end and how Kobe’s career developed after that, “Durant remarked.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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