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Home3 Best Features of PDF Bear

3 Best Features of PDF Bear

Many people typically face multiple PDF files a day, without the perfect tool to use, it can become messy. Having these pile of documents lingering around, we might want to sort things out. A quick fix to that is an easy to use tool for your PDF files which can integrate or compress your documents into one. PDF Bear is the answer you are looking for. It is the most accessible tool to use for your PDF needs. 

PDF Bear is an amazing tool in many ways. It is a free pdf reader with tools that can help you compress, merge, split, or convert all your PDF files.  And the most exceptional thing is that you do not have to spend any amount of money to help you with your PDF needs. Here are notable benefits of why everyone prefers to use this web tool.

Compressing your PDF Files with PDF Bear

One of PDF Bear’s features is compressing PDF files. It can reduce the size of any PDF document without compromising the quality. It has uncomplicated steps for you to follow when working with PDF Bear. It is also fast in compressing or converting any file formats. No other web tool can give this much outstanding service and free features. If you need to do a quick compressing of PDF files, follow these easy steps.

Start by clicking the button that says “Choose Files” and click your chosen file that you want to compress. You can drag and drop the file as well. Choose your option. Wait for a while as the software examines and compresses your file. After the process is finished, your compressed PDF file is now ready for downloading.

Share it Through Email with Ease

A huge PDF file can be a problem when you have to share your PDF file with your colleagues. With PDF Bear’s help, you can minimize the size of the file by compressing it, and with its advanced technology, it also retains the quality of your file or even better. Then, after everything is set, you can now share your file in the email without hassle.

Cloud System and Security

One of the features of PDF Bear is its cloud system. It signifies that accessing your compressed or converted PDF file is not going to be an issue wherever you may be. You can also access it using different devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, as long as they are connected to the internet.

You can also access PDF bear and their tools using any operating systems like macOS, Windows, and Linux.

With PDF Bear, it can solve all of your PDF needs, and you can be assured that it is safe to use. PDF Bear will permanently delete your files from the server after you have already downloaded everything you need, leaving no copies or trace behind. They encrypt your file with 256-BIT SSL security to keep them safe from being accessed by an unauthorized user.


If PDF files have been your enemy for the longest time, then PDF Bear might just be the right weapon fo you. The user-friendly interface it gives to its users is one of the many things most people like with PDF Bear. It is undeniably the perfect tool that everyone can use without any hassle.

There may be some tools available you can use online, but with PDF Bear, it already comes with different features you can use for free. The convenience PDF Bear gives is the best out there so far, and their privacy and security are unmatched. Time to include PDF Bear to your tools list now.

Abu Bakar
Abu Bakar
Abubakar is a writer and digital marketing expert. Who has founded multiple blogs and successful businesses in the fields of digital marketing, software development. A full-service digital media agency that partners with clients to boost their business outcomes.


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